Save time and resources
Deciphering typical outputs (think Excel spreadsheets) is time
consuming and laborious. Vivastream spares you the tedium of
mapping isolated data sets, quickly processing volumes of data
without any effort from you or your team.

Make vital information accessible
Vivastream lets you quickly and easily get powerful content into the
hands of key stakeholders. We neatly package insights as inviting,
ready-to-share graphics and provide them in the format that works
best for you.

Gain a holistic perspective
By streamlining your collection of disparate data into a single body of
crystal-clear analyses, we get you out of the weeds and allow you to
focus on using your new, broad understanding to make smart,
data-driven decisions.

Connect words with actions
By revealing discrepancies between self-reported customer
information and actual behavior, we help you close the
understanding gap and make decisions based on real, rather than
anecdotal data.

Identify real customer needs
By providing a deeper, more accurate understanding of your
customers, we help you determine which products and
services are most relevant to them. This will help you shorten the
sales cycle and better equip account teams.

Measure event success
By quantifying customer engagement levels and tracking trends,
we allow for a more accurate assessment of ROI. With an improved
ability to measure the value of your event investment, you can justify
spend and better allocate resources moving forward.